Mar 9Liked by Lorenzo Warby


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A very well written and highly illustrative post, thanks. Seems so apparent that tyrannical regimes, those who would rule over us and use us as ends for their means, are those most in need of imposing rituals. Epic distractions to dissuade us from being the born politicians we in fact are. Excellent on the mechanisms of ritual to distract us from what is truly and always important. It is culminating with the current slogans of the WEF - "we'll have nothing and we'll be happy".

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Fascinating 'anti-conspiracy theory', but not a complete rebuttal, nor comprehensive explanation. What about non-conformity? Personally I have always been bewildered by rituals and traditions, just as a child wonders "What is going on?" This applies to the rituals of my own society as well as those of others, whether surrounding birth, death, 'marriage' or the various expressions of team/community solidarity. As I could never consciously relate, I always assumed such choreographics to be unconscious, yet still wonder at my detachment/immunity, unless unknowingly on the 'autism spectrum'. Surely I cannot be alone in standing outside 'traditions' and not being susceptible to ritual? Comments reasons, clues or pointers explaining such unconformity very much of interest

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Fascinating, but what is the basis for the claim that early Christians were arsonists? Surely you are not Rome burning under Nero! The early church strictly forbade the title of martyr to anyone punished for criminal behaviour, so it wasn't likely to occur.

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