Yeah -- 2:00 am is a bit too early in the day for me too. Bit of a challenge to find a time that works for everyone.
As for your "infinite genders", many people -- including the late, great Justice Anton Scalia -- quite reasonably see sex and gender as two entirely different kettles of fish, the latter as a rough synonym for personalities and personality types. Of which there are billions and billions....
As for the former, both Helen and Lorenzo insist on peddling quite unscientific claptrap of their own which is no better than folk-biology. You ever get around reading my conversation with Lorenzo on the topic?
Is the link to the zoom in the above (I can't find it), or coming in a separate email? Cheers, M
Helen's own post on the topic says that a link will be published "shortly" before the event.
Coming in a separate email.
Yeah -- 2:00 am is a bit too early in the day for me too. Bit of a challenge to find a time that works for everyone.
As for your "infinite genders", many people -- including the late, great Justice Anton Scalia -- quite reasonably see sex and gender as two entirely different kettles of fish, the latter as a rough synonym for personalities and personality types. Of which there are billions and billions....
As for the former, both Helen and Lorenzo insist on peddling quite unscientific claptrap of their own which is no better than folk-biology. You ever get around reading my conversation with Lorenzo on the topic?
Now that would be a "fundamental resolution" that I would pay to take part in, even at 2:00 and if I weren't currently away from home base.
But the chances of that seem somewhere between slim and none ...